Monday, November 22, 2010

SkyRank and TrustedInsight, our dreams, our passions

My last blog post, The Courtship of Social Media and Hedge Funds, parallels a recent and wonderful development in my career.

Now, instead of toiling away, usually solo, from my home-based office, a few times a week I travel to the city to help Trusted Insight (TI) to grow their community, to listen to users, and to improve their product. Not only has this been fun, it has been rewarding for my own professional development.

You see, an entrepreneur with an idea, I've learned over the past several years, can be as dangerous as a kamikazee pilot or a samurai turning his sword on himself. You can become obsessed with your own idea and with your own passions. Your solitary hours, while productive, can turn to days, months and years. As your idea comes to life, it also becomes your reality.

"I love that you're working more with others now" said his wife.

And others, even those who know your dreams, your fears, and your passions, don't, can't, truly understand your reality. They can't understand your rush to the computer, your awakening from a dream, to iterate, to improve, what started years before. And, they shouldn't be expected to understand.

And so it goes, that I truly do enjoy this fun exploration with three others, as crazy as myself to share their dreams, my dreams, our passions.

The people behind TI, its partners, investors and employees are as passionate about what they are building as I was (and am) passionate about SkyRank. And now I find I'm also passionate about what TI is building, and hope to continue to play a part in helping to support that dream.

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